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whole slide imaging brain slice trichrome



Light microscopic imaging of neuroanatomic slides not only requires high quality images, but frequently also involves large format slides or particularly thick specimens. As the Microvisioneer manualWSI whole slide imaging technology preserves the optical quality and the flexibility of the microscope, it is ideally suited for the acquisition of neuroanatomic digital images.

Study investigating treatment options for multiple sclerosis using manualWSI

In research, mouse brains very often serve as models to investigate various neurological questions. Among others, representative analyses of light microscopic images of entire mouse brain sections represent an important analytical tool.

Such an approach using a mouse model has been the basis of a recent scientific study published by a research group around Prof. Markus Kipp and first author Stella Nyamoya, in which the potential therapeutic effects of the substance laquinimod on multiple sclerosis were investigated using cuprizone-induced demyelination as model of multiple sclerosis.


To assess the influence of laquinimod on remyelination on a molecular level, brain tissue sections were analyzed by immunohistochemistry after laquinimod treatment. Among others, anti-PLP staining, indicating the presence of myelin was conducted. Whole slide images were acquired with the Microvisioneer manualWSI scanning software and densitometric analyses of the intensity of the anti-PLP stainings were subsequently conducted.


Below, representative whole slide images of anti-PLP stained brain sections are shown as examples.

Zoom into representative images of anti-PLP-stained mouse brain sections!

​Image gallery descriptions:

  • Image (1): anti-PLP stained brain section of an animal assigned to a control group that has not been treated with cuprizone 

  • Image (2): anti-PLP stained brain section of an animal of the cuprizone-intoxicated group that has received a vehicle solution instead of laquinimod

  • Image (3): anti-PLP stained brained section of an animal of the cuprizone-intoxicated group that has received the laquinimod treatment


Images provided by courtesy of Prof. Markus Kipp and Ms M.Sc. Newshan Behrangi.

Based on the analyses of the whole slide images of the brain sections, a significantly higher intensity of anti-PLP staining in the cuprizone-intoxicated group that has received the laquinimod treatment compared to the group having only received a vehicle was revealed. Adding to other extensive data that has been elaborated in the study, via the described experimental set-up it could be demonstrated that laquinimod-treatment led to a remyelination in cuprizone intoxicated mice brains in the area of the midline of the corpus callosum.

Full study for all details and more information:

Stella Nyamoya, Julia Steinle, Uta Chrzanowski, Joel Kaye, Christoph Schmitz, Cordian Beyer, Markus Kipp: Laquinimod Supports Remyelination in Non-Supportive Environments. Cells, 2019

DOI: 10.3390/cells8111363     

For further reading:

Stella Nyamoya, Patrizia Leopold, Birte Becker, Cordian Beyer, Fabian Hustadt, Christoph Schmitz, Anne Michel, Markus Kipp: G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Gpr17 Expression in Two Multiple Sclerosis Remyelination Models. Molecular Neurobiology, 2019



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