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Digital microscopy for education


The possibility of digitizing teaching glass slide collections as Whole Slide Images (WSI) offers a huge potential for teaching, education and training:

  • Expensive glass slide collections do not have to be maintained

  • Due to digitization, the original staining is preserved

  • All students see exactly the same virtual slide instead of similar glass slides

  • All students can access the slides remotely and simultaneously

  • Slides can be viewed with any device from anywhere

  • Teaching approaches can be additionally supported by tools and platforms allowing annotations or image analyses

Digital microscopy for teaching -

Microvisioneer offers quality, affordability plus specific features of didactic value

In education environments, affordability is often very critical, making the Microvisioneer manualWSI scanning solution an attractive option to implement virtual microscopy in education.

In addition, the manualWSI software contains a specific "freeze-feature" which is particularly supportive for teaching purposes. With this unique "Freeze-Mode", it is possible to scan multiple selected sub-sections present on one glass slide or even on different glass slides into one virtual slide. This enables the creation of very descriptive slides of high didactic value, for instance a direct comparison of different stains of the same tissue, as shown in the example below. 

Zoom into a scan created with the Freeze Mode!

Image provided by courtesy of Dr. Chandra Krishnan.

Share digital slides with students

There are different options available to provide digital scans to students. For example, scans can be shared via cloud platforms, many of them being available for free or at reduced costs for education. Another option could be the creation of a website, making scans available via a zoomable web gallery.

Contact Microvisioneer to discuss your options!


Microvisioneer GmbH

Ledererzeile 31

83512 Wasserburg am Inn



Tel.: +49 (0) 151 41605950

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